I hope that everyone has made it through all of this heat that has defined summer 2024! Here at the orchard, the winter stretched into spring, spring into summer with cool wet conditions trending into the typical overcast mornings of Graypril, May Gray and June Gloom, the heat then setting in in July until September on the way! What this produced on the trees is a smaller crop than any year since I ve owned them 2019. Fewer trees are bearing apples, with delayed ripening. What's this mean?
Gates will open in mid September, to allow for the yearly Sa Su 9 am- 2 pm You Pick hours, and some reservations during the week. Get in touch to reserve. Please pardon me for listing earlier opening dates in listings online and in print. We have to meet the deadlines of these published seasonal "things to do in fall" guides: they re awesome! My hat is off to their connecting you with apples in Julian!